Friday, September 27, 2013

My Sweet S

One year ago I got the biggest surprise of my life. I went into labor! You may think "well duh, that's pretty expected", but not for me. As my doctors like to say, I make and grow babies really well... so well that they don't want to come out. I just don't dilate. I don't drop. My water doesn't break... or so we thought...

I got up on the 27th and quickly realized my water broke sometime during the night. I wasn't even having contractions yet. I was in such a state of shock that I just stood there in disbelief. Finally I manage to pull it together and wake my husband. Once the on call doctor realized who I was she had me come to the hospital right away. No waiting around for actual contractions to start. My regular doctor and I are so close, I really wanted to just wait this out and see how long I would be in labor so he could deliver, but that was a big heck no so off we went. As it turned out my OB was downstairs performing a procedure and when he finished he came up to the operating room to see me while they were performing the surgery. That made my day :-)

Everything about this delivery was different for me and it was wonderful in everyway. After surgery they let S stay with me in the operating room and come with me to recovery. She never left my side and it was amazing. Even my recovery was completely different. I was up and walking around the next day with little pain. Incredible.

I knew S from the moment I became pregnant with her. I just knew her. It's unexplainable. I knew how her personality would be and she's lived up to every expectation I had. She is so sweet, happy, she doesn't complain, and she just goes with the flow despite being dragged to multiple soccer games and ballet practices every week. What a joy and blessing she has been to our lives. God has surely blessed us more than I could've imagined with her and all of our children.

You're daddy, brother, sister, and I love you so much. You bring so much joy to this family. Everyday you amaze us with your capabilites and how smart you are. You are most certainly our little sunshine. No matter how dark the day is you have the ability to light up a room and make all the darkness go away. Happy Birthday Sweet S, we love you!!
