Monday, April 7, 2014

Our new year surprise

Well, to say it's been a while since my last post is an understatement. I do have a good reason actually and although most of you know this already, I know there's a few that don't. We found out a couple months ago that we're expecting our 4th child! What a surprise and blessing this was as we were sure we were finished having kids. Really good example of how even though you think you may have things figured out, you never know what God's plan for your life is.

It is pretty funny actually. The number of things we are doing that we never planned for, but are very happy about, never ceases to amaze me. One of the very first things someone asked me when they found out about our new addition was "and your going to homeschool all 4 of them??". I've thought of some very humorous responses to that question in my head, but I settled on a simple "yes" :-) I won't lie, it was hard to homeschool during the first trimester. We took a lot of breaks. That's the beauty of homeschool though. We adjusted course, came up with a new plan, and are going from there.

About our little blessing though... this baby is going to have so much love. It has actually been a really neat experience with the older two. They are so involved with this baby. They ask all sorts of questions, talk about what gender they're hoping the baby is (another girl is what they both want), and give the baby hugs and kisses goodnight around my tummy.

Of course hubby is over the moon. He always wanted another but I wasn't comfortable having anymore because I deliver via C-section. All of my babies have been born C-section deliveries so this will be my 4th. Yes, I'm a little nervous but I will be delivering at a great hospital and have a great doctor. I am putting my faith in God that we will both do just fine. I appreciate any prayers you can give us though :-)

I do realize this is going to cause a necessary change in my blog name. I am going to have to give that more thought!

Here's our newest addition. Isn't he/she cute?!? :-)